Account settings
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**Session lifetime**: For security reasons, after a specified period of inactivity, a user will be logged off the site automatically. This field specifies this time in minutes. The default value is 1440 minutes (24 hours).
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**Default registration expiry lifetime**: As site administrator you can decide when :ref:`pending registrations <pending_registrations>` that require approval expire. This time may be specified in days, weeks, months, years or "No end date". If the latter option is chosen, pending registrations will not expire by default. The default value is 2 weeks.
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**Default account lifetime**: If set, user accounts will expire after this amount of time from when they were created. When a user account is expired, the user cannot log in. This time may be specified in days, weeks, months, years or "No end date". If the latter option is chosen, accounts will not expire by default.
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**Override user account lifetime**: Choose for which accounts a :index:`change in the default account lifetime <single: Override user account lifetime>` shall take effect:
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Only for newly created users
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For new users and users without an account lifetime already set (excluding site administrators)
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For all user accounts (excluding site administrators)
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Site administrators are always excluded from a change in the account lifetime as they should always have access to the system.
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**Default account inactivity time**: If set, users who do not log in for this amount of time will be considered "inactive" and will not be able to log in anymore. This time may be specified in days, weeks, months, years or "No end date". If the latter option is chosen, users are not set to "inactive" by default.
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