**HTML editor**: An HTML editor is available for use in some sections of the site. This is known as a 'What you see is what you get' (WYSIWYG) editor. It allows you to apply formatting to your text like in a word processor. If the editor is turned off, you can only enter plain text without any formatting like making text bold or colorising your text. If you do not have this option, the site administrator may have disabled it.
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**Default license**: If the site administrator enabled **License metadata** in the :ref:`general site settings <general_settings>`, you can select your default license for your content that you create or upload. The default setting is "None selected", which means that you reserve all copyright.
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If your institution administrator requires you to specify a license, you must set a license other than "None selected".
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You can choose any license from the drop-down menu that suits most of your content best. If you upload an artefact by another person that was published under a different license, you can choose that particular license on the artefact's settings. If the site administrator allowed custom licenses, you can enter one using the drop-down menu option "Other license (enter URL)".
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If you are not sure which default license to choose, please check with your organisation as it may require you to use a specific license. You can also consult a copyright lawyer (at cost).
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If you are a member of multiple institutions and choose "Use institution default", you will not be able to select the institution whose license you want to make the default one. One will be chosen by the system randomly.
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**Disable email**: Use this setting to stop the site from sending you emails. It is advised that you generally regulate what is sent via email and what is not in the :ref:`notifications <account_notification_settings>`.
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If you disable your email address, you cannot reset your password as that requires the sending of an email. You will have to contact an administrator and have your password reset.
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**Messages from other users**: Use this setting to choose who you wish to receive messages from. Use the :ref:`notifications <account_notification_settings>` area to decide how you will receive these messages. Your options are:
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**Do not allow anyone to send me messages**: Other users are not able to send you any messages.
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