Browsing Basque translation

1726 of 137 results
Usernames are 3-30 characters long and may contain letters, numbers and most common symbols excluding spaces.
Erabiltzaile-izenak 3 eta 30 karaktereren artekoa izan behar du, soilik letrak, zenbakiak eta ohiko sinboloak edukiz, espazioak izan ezik.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:66
Change profile URL
Aldatu profilaren URLa
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:75 ../source/account/preferences.rst:83
You only see the "Change profile URL" part on your accounts settings page if the site administrator activated :ref:`clean URLs <clean_urls>` and allowed you to change your profile URL.
Zure kontuaren ezarpenetako "Aldatu profilaren URLa" aukera soilik ikusiko duzu kudeatzaileak aktibatu :ref:`URL garbiak <clean_urls>` eta zure profilaren URLa aldatzeko baimena eman badizu.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:72
If you see this option, you can choose an identifier for your profile page. Per default, your username is chosen, but you may change that if the site administrator allowed it. Your identifier must be 3-30 characters long. You can only use lowercase letters from a-z, numbers and - (hyphen).
Aukera hau ikusten baduzu, zure profil orrirako identifikatzailea aukera dezakezu. Berez, zure erabiltzaile-izena lehenetsita dago, baina alda dezakezu gunearen kudeatzaileak hala ezarri badu. Zure identifikatzaileak 3-30 karaktereren artekoa izan behar du. Bakarrik letra xeheak a-tik z-ra, zenbakiak eta marratxoa (-) erabil ditzakezu.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:85
Your profile page is then accessible via the URL ``http://url-to-your-mahara-site/user/your-chosen-name``. For example: ````.
Zure profil-orria URL honen bidez eskura daiteke: ``http://zure-mahara-gunea/user/aukeratu-duzun-izena``. Adibidez: ````.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:79
Though you can change the URL to your profile page or any other portfolio page at any point, you shouldn't do that because people who already know the URL to your page will not be able to access it anymore after you have changed it.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:84
The original, internal Mahara URL, e.g. ```` will still work.
Mahararen URL orijinalak, adibidez ```` badabiltza oraindik ere.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:84
General account options
Kontuaren aukera orokorrak
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:105
The general account options are visible to all users no matter whether you can change your username and password or not. However, some options are only available if the site administrator turned them on.
Erabiltzaile guztiek kontuaren ezarpen orokorrak ikus ditzakete, erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitza aldatzeko baimena izanda edo ez. Hala ere, aukera batzuk bakarrik aplikatu ahal izango dira kudeatzaileak aktibatzen baditu.
Translated and reviewed by Juan Ezeiza
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:102
View and change your general account options
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:112
1726 of 137 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Basque Translators, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Juan Ezeiza.