Can be mapped to long-term vocational capabilities (e.g. Graduating Teacher Standards, professional association requirements);
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Can be mapped to the graduate profile capabilities of the qualification being studied.
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Some types of assignments which take advantage of the affordances of ePortfolio software are:
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**Group work assignments** involving collaborative learning and critical evaluation, with tasks allocated for each group member requiring discussion and consultation before a final 'product' using a range of text items and other media is submitted.
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**Learning journals** which encourage an ongoing personal connection with learning and link theory to practice in relation to the students' knowledge and experience. This type of assignment helps develop the reflective practice necessary in many professions including teaching.
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**Field work / practicum reports** – such as practicum placements in a relevant workplace – these provide a rich source of learning in an authentic context and an ePortfolio provides a useful way of gathering a range of evidence which shows what learning has occurred during the practicum placement.
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**Problem-solving assignments** – these focus on an issue or challenge relevant to the field of knowledge and allow the student to suggest multiple solutions, evaluate solutions and recommend and justify a particular optimal solution for the problem.
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**Resource portfolios** – these are collections of a range of digital media resources found on the Internet focussed on an issue or learning area, with evaluations of the efficacy of the resources and (if appropriate) examples of their use in an authentic context.
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Anderson, T., & Dron, J. (2011). Three generations of distance education pedagogy. *International Review of Research in Online and Distance Learning (IRRODL)*, 12(3), 80-97. Retrieved from `http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/890 <http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/890>`_
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