Similarly, you can change the text for a URL but not the URL itself unless you want to replace it with a URL to a site in your language.
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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If you translate the screenshots and other images, please ensure that you keep the folder structure of the "images" folder as you can see in the respective branch of the manual version you are editing on `Gitorious <https://gitorious.org/mahara/manual/trees>`_.
スクリーンショットなどの画像を翻訳する場合は`Gitorious <https://gitorious.org/mahara/manual/trees>`_で編集しているマニュアル版のそれぞれのブランチにあるように、「images」フォルダのフォルダ構造が保たれていることを確認してください。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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You can find original images used for the manual in the folder "images_original" and then their respective subfolders. You can use them for your own translations if you only want to exchange the background but keep the callouts.
あなたは "images_original" フォルダおよびそしてそれらの個々のサブフォルダでマニュアルのためにオリジナルのイメージが使われるのを見つけることができます。あなたが背景を交換して呼び出しを保持したいだけの場合、あなたはあなた自身の翻訳のためにそれらを使えます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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You do not have to redo any images that you do not "translate", e.g. block icons, general buttons around Mahara and the text editor buttons. Any images that are not in your translation will be taken from the English original.
あなたが "翻訳" しないイメージ、例えばブロックアイコン、Maharaのまわりの一般的ボタン、テキストエディタボタンを作り直す必要はありません。あなたの翻訳にないイメージは英語のオリジナルから受け継がれます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in
The user manual is updated once a day and new translation strings pulled in from Launchpad and images uploaded to Git prior to the compilation of the manual.
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Currently, not everything can be translated in Sphinx. Hopefully, later versions will fix that.
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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If you want to mention the names of the main translators of the user manual for your language, you can add a sentence right after "The Mahara user manual is written by Mahara community members." That paragraph appears before the table of contents. There is no equivalent sentence in the English manual because it is not a translation.
あなたがあなたの言語のユーザマニュアルの主要な翻訳者の名前に言及したい場合、 ``"The Mahara user manual is written by Mahara community members."`` (日本語: "MaharaユーザマニュアルはMaharaコミュニティメンバにより書かれています。")のすぐ後に、あなたが文を追加できます。パラグラフは目次の前に出現します(訳注: ``"index.html"`` ページの ``"**Contributors**"`` (日本語: "**貢献者**"))。それは翻訳ではないので、英語のマニュアルに相当する文はありません。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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