Link to the *Settings* page
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Change your password
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You need a username to log in to Mahara. If your account is not managed by single-sign on or another authentication method, you see this box. You can then change your username at any time.
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Change your username
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The general account options are visible to all users no matter whether you can change your username and password or not. However, some options are only available if the site administrator turned them on.
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View and change your general account options
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**Default license**: When the site administrator enabled **License metadata** in the :ref:`general site settings <general_settings>`, you can select your default license for your content that you create or upload. The default setting is "None selected", which means that you reserve all copyright.
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If your institution administrator requires you to specify a license, you must set a license other than "None selected".
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You can choose any license from the drop-down menu that suits most of your content best. If you upload an artefact by another person that was published under a different license, you can choose that particular license on the artefact's settings. If the site administrator allowed custom licenses, you can enter one using the drop-down menu option "Other license (enter URL)".
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If you are not sure which default license to choose, please check with your organisation as it may require you to use a specific license. You can also consult a copyright lawyer (at cost).
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