Start X: 0
Start X: 0
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Start Y: 200 and upon the second run 215 to get the gap between the lines
Start Y: 200 and upon the second run 215 to get the gap between the lines
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
Amplitude: 3
Amplitude: 3
Translated by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
Wavelength: 25
Wavelength: 25
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Number of cycles: 40 (but depends on how wide the screenshot is)
Number of cycles: 40 (abhängig von der Breite des Screens)
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Tick for Stroke path
Tick for Stroke path
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Stroke color: CCCCCC
Stroke color: CCCCCC
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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If you want to include an image inline with the text and don't want to or can't use the regular figure, you should create a substitution and place it into the shortcuts.rstext file.
Wenn Sie ein Bild inline mit dem Text einbinden wollen und die Ziffernanordnung nicht übernehmen wollen oder können, müssen Sie einen Ersatz anlegen und in die shortcuts.rstext-Datei einfügen.
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Admonitions in use are
Wichtige Hinweise zum Gebrauch
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
**note**: for anything that should receive a bit more attention
**Hinweis**: für alles was etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit benötigt
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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