From the drop-down menu choose the institution in which the members are whose authentication method and remote username you want to change / add.
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Click the *Go* button to limit your results to these institution members.
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Change the *Results per page* if you wish to see more than 10 users per page.
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Select the users whose authentication method and remote username you want to change by either putting a check mark in the check boxes or clicking on *All* to select all users on that page.
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Click the *Get reports* button to proceed to the next step. You are taken to the *User reports* page.
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User reports page
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Update the CSV file with remote username and password
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Update user accounts in bulk
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**Export users in CSV format**: Click the *Download* link so that you get a CSV file which contains all necessary information for you to change the users' remote username in bulk. This is necessary if their internal Mahara username is not the same as the one they use to authenticate on your system that is linked to Mahara or if they already have a remote username that would be incorrect for your institution.
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Open the CSV file in your preferred spreadsheet software. In the column *remoteuser*, add or change the username that your users have when authenticating in your regular system that you have connected to Mahara. You may also change other fields, e.g. their name, email address etc. If you want to add a new user directly in this CSV file, you can do so as well.
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