View your results. The default order is alphabetical according to the first name. However, you can change the order of the results by clicking on a heading and sort that column in ascending or descending order. The profile picture and the name are linked to the profile page of the user.
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Select all or just a few users for whom you wish to view a report.
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**With selected users**: Click the *Get reports* button to
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view user reports
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download user account information for further actions
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Institution staff members only see the reports area if the :ref:`site administrator allowed staff members to view the access reports <user_settings>`.
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Viewing user reports
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*Institution information → User search →* click on *Get reports*
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The functionality available to staff members is similar to the one for institution and site administrators as described in the administrator section on :ref:`user reports <user_reports>` if the :ref:`site administrator allowed staff members to view the access reports <user_settings>`.
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This functionality can be especially interesting to a Mahara site that is being used with young learners who may require more scaffolding and supervision of which pages they make accessible to other users or the public.
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