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are placed using the "figure" directive.
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always include alt text and a figure description. The latter will be numbered in the PDF export. That sets them apart from the text.
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are generally placed above a list if they are part of step-by-step instructions.
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should have as few instructions as possible about the steps that are to be taken in them. Preferably, only the step numbers so that they can be exchanged more easily and the text of the steps is translatable because it is text and not part of the image. That could also mean that translators can translate the steps but don't immediately have to change the screenshots.
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|new in Mahara 1.6| get callouts that are created in Gimp with the `script <https://mahara.org/view/view.php?id=60234>`_ that Iñaki adapted.
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that have callouts refer to the steps that need to be taken and that are explained below the figure.
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should only show the necessary area and not the entire screen or URL address bars etc. where not necessary.
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Most screenshots are added with the *figure* directive:
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Example of including a screenshot
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