Example of including a screenshot
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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The first line provides the path to the file. The \* replaces the file extension and Sphinx chooses the file that is most appropriate. Thus, files could have different image extensions or you could have the same screenshots in different file formats that are then chosen by the programme to best suit the end format of the manual.
最初の行はファイルへのパスを指定します。The \*はファイルの拡張子を置き換え、Sphinxは最も適切なファイルを選択します。このように、ファイルは異なる画像拡張子を持つこともできますし、同じスクリーンショットを異なるファイル形式で持つこともできます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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The second line represents the alt text that is dispalayed when hovering over the image, when no images are displayed or when viewing the page via a screen reader.
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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The third line must follow an empty line. This is the text that is displayed below the screenshot as figure description. In the PDF output, the descriptions will be numbered continuously.
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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If you want to include an image inline with the text and don't want to or can't use the regular figure, you should create a substitution and place it into the shortcuts.rstext file.
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Admonitions in use are
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**note**: for anything that should receive a bit more attention
**注意**: 少しだけ注意が必要なすべてのことです。
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**warning**: for anything that needs to be done with caution
**警告**: 注意しながら実施する必要のあるすべてのことです。
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**seealso**: for references to other documents if they need special attention. References to other documents can also be included in the text inline.
**参照**: 他の文書の参照のために、それらに特別な配慮が必要です 。他の文書の参照はまた、テキストインラインに含めることができます。
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**todo**: for keeping a running ToDo list
**todo**: 実行中のToDoリストを保持するため
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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