You will find that some folders are automatically created by the system such as *viewfiles* or *images*. The *viewfiles* folder includes files from imported pages whereas the *images* folder includes :ref:`your uploaded profile pictures <profile_pictures>`. As with any other file, you can move them out of this folder and store them in a different folder.
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You can move files and folders to your heart's content without having to re-link them in the pages where you use them. Also renaming them will not have a negative impact on links.
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Upload a file
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Before you upload a file, make sure that you are allowed to do so. For any artefacts that you publish in your portfolio, you must have the sufficient rights. That means:
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the artefact is your own **or**
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you are allowed to reproduce and distribute it, i.e. it does not violate any copyright legislation **and**
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the artefact also adheres to the Terms and Conditions of the Mahara site you are using
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It can be that you have to agree to an upload agreement before you can upload any files to your *files area*. The site administrator decides about that in *Administration → Extensions → Plugin administration* → :ref:`Plugin type: artefact: file <plugin_file>`.
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**Upload file**: Upload a file by clicking on the *Browse* button to search for the file on your computer. Make sure that it is not larger than the maximum upload size that is shown in the parentheses.
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|new in Mahara 1.6| If the site administrator turned on the :ref:`image resizing option <image_resizing>`, you can decide whether you want to have your images resized if they are larger than the specified dimensions. This option is recommended to save space in your portfolio.
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