Screenshots are placed as figures and always include alt text and a figure description. The latter will receive numbering in the PDF export.
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Admonitions in use are:
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note: for anything that should receive a bit more attention
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warning: for anything that needs to be done with caution
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seealso: for references to other documents if they need special attention. References to other documents can also be included in the text inline.
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todo: for keeping a running ToDo list
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Buttons such as *Save* or *Copy page* and also portfolio sections such as *Content*, *Porfolio* etc. are highlighted as emphasized text (with a single \*).
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Little buttons can be included in the text.
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Screenshots of Mahara sections are not made inline, but receive the "figure" directive. They always have an alt tag and also a brief description which will show up below the image and is numbered in LaTeX PDF.
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Screenshots should have as little instructions as possible about the steps that are to be taken in them. Preferably, only the step numbers so that they can be exchanged more easily and the text of the steps is translatable because it is text and not part of the image. That could also mean that translators can translate the steps but don't immediately have to change the screenshot.
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