Edit a file (continue with Step 5)
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Delete the file
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Change the name of the file
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Give the file a description to find it again more easily
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Give the file one or more tags. You can choose from your existing tags if you wish. Separate your tags with commas.
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Decide if users should be allowed to comment directly on the file.
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Save the changes
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You can also move your file to a folder by clicking on the icon before the file's name and then dragging and dropping it onto a folder icon.
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Upload multiple files
Upload multiple files
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Stephan Woidowski
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You cannot upload multiple files by simply selecting them. That is a Mahara 1.5 functionality. However, you can place them all into a compressed file, a *.zip file*, and upload that to Mahara. Modern computers allow you to create a zip file from any number of files that you have selected in your document managemant program by making a right mouse click and selecting *Compress...* (or something similar).
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