Click the *Save* button at the bottom of the page.
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Your password must have a minimum of six characters. It must contain at least one number, and at least two letters. Passwords are case sensitive and must be different from your username.
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Change your password
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If you do not see the *New password* box, you cannot change your password in Mahara. Your login and password are managed elsewhere. This is the case if your institution has set up single sign-on to other applications for example. If you want to change your password, please contact your institution administrator. He will be able to tell you where you can change your password.
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Change username
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You need a username to log in to Mahara. If your account is not managed by single-sign on or another method, you see this box. You can then change your username at any time.
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Usernames are 3-30 characters long and may contain letters, numbers and most common symbols excluding spaces.
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Change your username
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General account options
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The general account options are visible to all users no matter whether they can change their usernames and passwords or not.
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