This option is only available if the site allows :ref:`clean URLs <clean_urls>`.
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**Shared page notification**: Select from the |new in Mahara 1.10| :index:`drop-down menu <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Select group members to notify of new and shared pages>` who shall be notified when new group pages are created and when group members share their pages with the group. The options in the drop-down menu are:
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|new in Mahara 1.10| **Feedback notifications**: :index:`Select <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Notify group members about feedback on group pages>` from the drop-down menu who shall be notified when feedback is placed on a page or artefacts.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| **Allow archiving of submissions**: :index:`Use this option <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Turn on the archiving of pages / collections in a group as staff member or administrator>` when you want to archive pages or collections that have been submitted to this group. The archive will be made on the server. Administrators can :ref:`view the archived submissions and download vital information about them <archived_submissions>`.
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**Pages shared with this group**: View pages that members have shared with the group.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| **Collections shared with this group**: :index:`View <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Show collections shared with a group>` collections shared with the group instead of their individual pages.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| :index:`When <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Show collections submitted to a group>` a collection was submitted to the group, the collection title is displayed instead of all pages belonging to the collection.
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If you allow page submissions for feedback or assessment, you see them listed under **Submissions to this group**. |new in Mahara 1.10| Listed are both pages and collections.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| :index:`This <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Display group members according to their roles>` means that users are displayed according to their roles: First are administrators, then tutors, and members come last.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| :index:`Click <single: Mahara 1.10; Report a forum topic or post for containing objectionable content>` the *Report* button to report the post as containing objectionable content.
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