If you are using Moodle to export data to Mahara, you should enable multiple journals as content that is transferred using the Leap2A option is often placed into a new journal.
Als je Moodle gebruikt om gegevens te exporteren naar Mahara, dan moet je meerdere logboeken inschakelen omdat inhoud die via Leap2A doorgestuurd wordt, dikwijls in een nieuw logboek geplaatst wordt.
Translated and reviewed by
Koen Roggemans
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**Maximum tags in cloud**: Decide how many tags you wish to display in your personal tag cloud in the sidebar in *Content* and *Portfolio*.
**Maximum aantal tags in je wolk**: beslis hoeveel tags je wil tonen in je persoonlijke tag-wolk in de zijbalk bij *Inhoud* en *Portfolio*.
Translated and reviewed by
Koen Roggemans
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|new in Mahara 1.10| **Maximum number of groups to display**: :index:`Decide <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Maximum number of groups to display in sidebar>` how many groups you wish to display in your sidebar. If you do not enter any value, no group will be displayed.
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|new in Mahara 1.10| **Sort groups**: :index:`Decide <single: New in Mahara 1.10; Decide the sort order of your groups in the sidebar>` in which sort order your groups should be displayed in your sidebar:
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Most recently joined: Groups are displayed in chronologically reverse order to show the groups that you joined recently first.
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Earliest joined: This option displays your groups in the order in which you joined them.
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A to Z: Alphabetically from A to Z. This is the default option.
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**Hide real name**: You see this checkbox if the :ref:`site administrator allows users to hide their real name <user_settings>`. If you tick it, others can only search for you using your :ref:`display name <about_me>`.
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**Dashboard information**: Choose this option if you want to display the :ref:`quick links <dashboard_quick_links>` on your dashboard.
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**Profile completion progress bar**: Tick the checkbox if you want to display the progress bar set up by your institution and tips on how to complete your profile.
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