New password
Pasahitz berria
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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You can change your Mahara password on the *Settings* page.
Maharako zure pasahitza *Ezarpenak* orrian alda dezakezu.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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Change your password
(no translation yet)
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**Current password**: Enter your current password.
**Oraingo pasahitza**: Idatzi indarrean duzun pasahitza
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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**New password**: Enter your preferred new password.
**Pasahitz berria**: Idatzi nahiago duzun pasahitza
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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**Confirm password**: Re-enter your new password to confirm its spelling.
**Baieztatu pasahitza**: Berridatzi zure pasahitz berria ongi egin duzula baieztatzearren.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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Make further changes on the page if you wish.
Egin bestelako aldaketan orrian hala nahi baduzu.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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Click the *Save* button at the bottom of the page.
Klikatu *Gorde* botoian orriaren behealdean.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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Your password must have a minimum of six characters. Passwords are case sensitive and must be different from your username.
Zure pasahitzak gutxienez sei karaktere izan behar ditu. Pasahitzak letra larriak eta xeheak kontuan hartzen ditu. Zure pasahitza ezin da erabiltzaile-izena izan.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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If you do not see the *New password* box, you cannot change your password. Your login and password are managed elsewhere. This is the case if your institution has set up single sign-on to other applications for example. If you want to change your password, please contact your institution administrators. They will be able to tell you where you can change your password.
*Pasahitz berria* menua ez ikustea aldatu ezinaren seinalea da. Hori gertatzen da zure sarbide-informazio Maharatik kanpoko aplikazio batek kudeatzen duelako. Normalean horrek esan nahi du zure erakundeak web-zerbitzu askoren arteko konexio-sistema ezarri duela. Zure pasahitza aldatzeko zure erakudearen kudeatzaile batekin harremanetan jarri beharko duzu, berak horretarako prozedura azalduko dizu-eta.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
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