Add fonts, which allow font embedding into web pages, via the CSS @font-face rule. Remember that not all authors / foundries allow this.
When you find an appropriate free font that you are allowed to embed into a web page, you must convert it into the following formats:
<br />TrueType Font, Embedded OpenType Font, Web Open Font Format Font and Scalable Vector Graphic Font.
You can use <a href="https://www.fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator/">FontSquirrel Online Generator</a> for the conversion.
Or you can install a Google font via the following steps:
<li>Visit <a href="https://gwfh.mranftl.com">Google webfonts helper</a>. Do this at your own risk. This service is not provided by Google Fonts.</li>
<li>Select the font for which you are looking.</li>
<li>Select the character sets you require.</li>
<li>Select the styles you want to have available.</li>
<li>Download the resulting ZIP file in step 4 on the page.</li>
<li>Upload that ZIP file in this form.</li>