Usernames may contain letters, numbers and most common symbols, and must be from 3 to 30 characters in length. Spaces are not allowed.
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php usernameinvalidform
Un nombre de usuario puede formarse con letras, dígitos, y los símbolos más comunes, debe ser contener entre 3 y 30 caracteres y no puede tener espacios.
Translated and reviewed by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php usernameinvalidform
Usernames may contain letters, numbers and most common symbols, and must be from 3 to 236 characters in length. Spaces are not allowed.
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php usernameinvalidadminform
Los nombres de usuario pueden contener letras, números y los símbolos más comunes, y deben tener entre 3 y 236 caracteres. No se permiten los espacios.
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php usernameinvalidadminform
You may not register unless you agree to abide by the <a href="terms.php">Terms and Conditions</a>.
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php youmaynotregisterwithouttandc
No puede registrarse sin aceptar las <a href="terms.php">condiciones de uso</a>.
Translated by
Mario Frasca
Reviewed by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php youmaynotregisterwithouttandc
Connection objects
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php pluginconnections
Objetos de conexión
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php pluginconnections
There are no web service connections defined in any plugin. Please define a connection first.
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php nodefinedconnections
No hay conexiones de servicios web definidas en ningún plugin. Por favor, define primero una conexión.
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php nodefinedconnections
No connection objects for this institution.
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php instancelistempty
No hay objetos de conexión para esta institución.
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php instancelistempty
Add client connection
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php addconnection
Añadir conexión de cliente
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php addconnection
Edit client connection
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php editconnection
Editar la conexión del cliente
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php editconnection
Client connection
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php clientconnections
Conexión con el cliente
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php clientconnections
Connection plugin
Context: |
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php plugin
Plugin de conexión
Translated by
Ramón Ovelar
Located in
auth/webservice/lang/en.utf8/auth.webservice.php plugin