Authentication username
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php username
Uporabniško ime za overitev
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php username
Username to pass to Elasticsearch 7 via HTTP basic authentication (optional).
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php usernamedescription
Uporabniško ime za prenos v Elasticsearch 7 prek osnovnega preverjanja pristnosti HTTP (neobvezno).
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php usernamedescription
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php Users
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php Users
Displaying %s search results
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresults
Prikazujem %s rezultatov iskanja
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresults
Displaying %s search results for "%s"
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresultsfory
Prikazujem %s rezultatov iskanja za "%s"
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresultsfory
Z to A
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php ztoa
Z do A
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php ztoa
<!-- @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Exact people searches</h1>
<p>If your site has a lot of people and uses a PostgreSQL database,
people searches will be faster with exact people searching enabled.
The setting will still work with MySQL databases, but is unlikely
to significantly increase search performance.</p>
<p>However, partial matches on profile fields will not return results,
so if for example you have a person called "Nigel", then typing "Nige"
into the search box will not find that person.</p>
Context: |
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Natančno iskanje uporabnikov</h3>
<p>Če ima vaše spletišče veliko uporabnikov in če uporabljate PostgreSQL podatkovno bazo, bo iskanje uporabnikov hitrejše, če bo omogočeno natančno iskanje uporabnikov. Nastavitev bo delovala tudi pri MySQL podatkovnih bazah, vendar ne bo občutno povečala zmogljivosti iskanja.</p>
<p>Vendar pa delni zadetki v poljih profila ne bodo vrnili rezultatov. Če imate na primer uporabnika, ki mu je ime "Janez", potem tipkanje vrednosti "Jane" v polje za iskanje ne bo našlo tega uporabnika.</p>
Translated by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php pluginname
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php pluginname
Exact people searches
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch
Natančno iskanje uporabnikov
Translated by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch
Results from the "Search for people" box and "People" page are only returned for people whose profile fields match entire search terms.
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearchdescription4
Rezultati iskanja z iskalnim poljem "Iskanje oseb" in na strani "Osebe" vrnejo samo tiste osebe, katerih polja profila ustrezajo vsem iskalnim pogojem.
Translated and reviewed by
Gregor Anželj
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearchdescription4