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81488157 of 8366 results
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Authentication password</h1>

<p>If your Elasticsearch server requires an HTTP basic authentication username and password to access it, you may provide the <strong>password</strong> here. <strong>Note:</strong> The core Elasticsearch software itself does not provide username or password features, but you may achieve this functionality by using a plugin, such as Search guard, or by accessing it through a proxy.</p>
<p>This setting cannot be changed through the web interface. You may change it by setting a value in your config.php file for the following config variable:</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Geslo za overjanje</h3>

<p>Če vaš Elastisearch strežnik za dostop zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo HTTP osnovnega overjanja, potem lahko <strong>geslo</strong> vpišete tukaj. <strong>Opomba:</strong> Sama Elasticsearch programska oprema ne podpira uporabe uporabniškega imena in gesla, vendar lahko tako funkcionalnost dosežete z uporabo vtičnika, ali da do strežnika dostopate preko proxyja.</p>
<p>Te nastavitve ne morete spreminjati preko spletnega vmesnika. Spremenite jo lahko tako, da v vaši config.php datoteki nastavite vrednost nastavitvene spremenljivke:</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.password.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Elasticsearch port</h1>

<p>The port number to access the Elasticsearch server on.</p>
<p>This setting cannot be changed through the web interface. You may change it by setting a value in your config.php file for the following config variable:</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Elasticsearch vrata</h3>
<p>Številka vrat preko katerih je dostopen strežnik Elaticsearch.</p>
<p>Te nastavitve ne morete spreminjati preko spletnega vmesnika. Spremenite jo lahko tako, da v vaši config.php datoteki nastavite vrednost nastavitvene spremenljivke:</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.port.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Elasticsearch scheme</h1>

<p>The scheme of the Elasticsearch server.</p>
<p>This setting cannot be changed through the web interface. You may change it by setting a value in your config.php file for the following config variable:</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.scheme.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Elasticsearch search types</h1>

<p>This is a comma-separated list of the elements to index. Each of these must match an ElasticsearchType subclass under search/elasticsearch/type.</p>
<p>You shouldn't need to change this unless you have implemented a new search type, or want to disable a particular search type.</p>
<p>This setting cannot be changed through the web interface. You may change it by setting a value in your config.php file for the following config variable:</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Elasticsearch vrste iskanja</h3>
<p>To je seznam elementov uporabljenih v kazalu, ločenih z vejico. Vsak izmed njih se mora ujemati s podrazredom ElasticsearchType v mapi search/elasticsearch/type.</p>
<p>Tega vam ni potrebno spreminjati, razen če ste ustvarili novo vrsto iskanja ali želite onemogočiti določeno vrsto iskanja.</p>
<p>Te nastavitve ne morete spreminjati preko spletnega vmesnika. Spremenite jo lahko tako, da v vaši config.php datoteki nastavite vrednost nastavitvene spremenljivke:</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.types.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Authentication username</h1>

<p>If your Elasticsearch server requires an HTTP basic authentication username and password to access it, you may provide the <strong>username</strong> here. <strong>Note:</strong> The core Elasticsearch software itself does not provide username or password features, but you may achieve this functionality by using a plugin, such as Search Guard, or by accessing it through a proxy.</p>
<p>This setting cannot be changed through the web interface. You may change it by setting a value in your config.php file for the following config variable:</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Uporabniško ime za overjanje</h3>

<p>Če vaš Elastisearch strežnik za dostop zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo HTTP osnovnega overjanja, potem lahko <strong>uporabniško ime</strong> vpišete tukaj. <strong>Opomba:</strong> Sama Elasticsearch programska oprema ne podpira uporabe uporabniškega imena in gesla, vendar lahko tako funkcionalnost dosežete z uporabo vtičnika, ali da do strežnika dostopate preko proxyja.</p>
<p>Te nastavitve ne morete spreminjati preko spletnega vmesnika. Spremenite jo lahko tako, da v vaši config.php datoteki nastavite vrednost nastavitvene spremenljivke:</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.username.html
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php admin
Translated and reviewed by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php admin
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php all
Translated and reviewed by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php all
Elasticsearch analyzer
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php analyzer
Elasticsearch analizator
Translated and reviewed by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php analyzer
The Elasticsearch analyzer class to use. Default is mahara_analyzer.
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php analyzerdescription
Kateri razred analizatorja Elasticsearch naj se uporabi. Privzeto je mahara_analyzer.
Translated and reviewed by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php analyzerdescription
Check the artefact types you want to include in the index. Only artefact types that have a hierarchy defined are valid. You will need to reset artefacts in the queue for your changes to take effect.
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php artefacttypedescription
Preverite, katere vrste izdelkov želite vključiti v kazalo. Veljavne so samo vrste izdelkov, ki imajo določeno hierarhijo. Da bi vaše spremembe začele veljati, boste morali ponastaviti izdelke v čakalni vrsti.
Translated and reviewed by Gregor Anželj
Located in search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php artefacttypedescription
81488157 of 8366 results

This translation is managed by Slovenian launchpad translation team, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Gregor Anželj, Janko Harej.