Unable to delete this collection. It is associated with %s auto-copied template copies.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php cannotdeletecollectionduetocopies
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php cannotdeletecollectionduetocopies
Deleting collection
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php deletingcollection
Bilduma ezabatzen
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php deletingcollection
Remove page from collection
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php deleteview
Orria bildumatik ezabatu
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php deleteview
Collection description
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php description
Bildumaren deskribapena
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php description
Drag page names from the 'Add pages to collection' box or tick the check boxes and click the 'Add pages' button to move pages to 'Pages already in collection'.<br>
You can drag page names or use the arrow buttons to re-order pages in the 'Pages already in collection' area.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php collectiondragupdate1
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Arrastatu orrien izenak 'Gehitu orriak bildumara' kutxatik edo aukeratu kontrol-laukiak eta klikatu 'Gehitu orriak' botoia, orriak 'Bildumako orriak' eremura mugitzeko.zbr>
Orrien izenak arrastatu edo gezi-botoiak erabil ditzakezu 'Bildumako orriak' eremuko orriak ordenean jartzeko.
Translated by
Juan Ezeiza
Reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php collectiondragupdate1
Pages already in collection
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php viewsincollection
Bildumaren barruko orriak
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php viewsincollection
Edit collection
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editcollection
Editatu bilduma
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editcollection
Editing collection
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editingcollection
Bilduma editatzen
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editingcollection
Edit title and description
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php edittitleanddesc
Editatu izenburua eta deskribapena
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php edittitleanddesc
Edit collection pages
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editviews
Editatu bildumaren orriak
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
lang/en.utf8/collection.php editviews