Last updated
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artefact/blog/blocktype/recentposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.recentposts.php updatedon
Son güncelleme
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Reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/recentposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.recentposts.php updatedon
Tagged journal entries
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php title
Etiketlenmiş günlük girdileri
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php title
Display journal entries with particular tags (see Content ➞ Journal)
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php description
Belirli etiketi olan günlük girdilerini göster (görmek için İçerik -> Günlük)
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php description
Journal entries with tag %2$s
Journal entries with tags %2$s
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtags
Şu etikete sahip günlük girdileri: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Şu etiketlere sahip günlük girdileri: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtags
but not tag %2$s
but not tags %2$s
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtagsomitboth
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
ancak bu etiket olmayan: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
ancak bu etiketler olmayan: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtagsomitboth
Journal entries without tag %2$s
Journal entries without tags %2$s
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtagsomitonly
Şu etikete sahip olmayan günlük girdileri: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Şu etiketlere sahip olmayan günlük girdileri: %2$s
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php blockheadingtagsomitonly
If you leave this blank, the title of the journal will be used
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php defaulttitledescription
Bu alanı boş bırakırsanız, günlüğün başlığı kullanılacaktır.
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php defaulttitledescription
Entries per page
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php postsperpage
Sayfa başına girdi sayısı
Translated by
Reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php postsperpage
Display entries tagged with
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php taglist
Şunlarla etiketlenmiş girdileri göster
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php taglist
Type a minus sign before each tag that you want to exclude. These tags are shown with a red background.
Context: |
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php taglistdesc1
Çıkarmak istediğiniz her etiket için başına bir eksi işareti yazın. Bu etiketler kırmızı arka plan rengi ile gösterilir.
Translated and reviewed by
Ozan Filiz
Located in
artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lang/en.utf8/blocktype.taggedposts.php taglistdesc1