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966975 of 8124 results
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Default comment permission</h1>

<p>Choose which fields have comments allowed by default.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.allowcomments.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Mandatory fields</h1>

<p>Mandatory fields must be included in an account creation CSV
file or populated by people who received an account once they complete
their registration on the site.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Obvezna polja</h3>
<p>Obvezna polja morajo biti vključena CSV datoteko za ustvarjanje uporabniških računov ali jih mora izpolniti uporabnik, ko konča registracijo na spletišču.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.mandatory.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Searchable fields</h1>

<p>Profile fields marked as "searchable" will be available for all
people who are logged in to search on.</p>

<p>First name, last name, and display name are generally always
searchable. However, the exact behaviour of name searches is controlled
by the settings on the "Site options" page for "People can hide real
names" and "Search usernames" as well as individual

<p>Other searchable profile fields listed here such as email address
can be used to find people in a search query, but they are not
displayed in search results.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/pluginconfig.searchable.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Email address</h1>
<p>Although the email address given during registration is your primary contact address, you may have several email addresses listed on the site. Use any of your validated addresses in a profile.</p>
<p>To add new addresses, click <a onclick="email_new(); return false;" href="">Add email address</a>. When you save your profile, a message is sent to the new address. Click the link in the message to validate this email address.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The email link is only valid for 24 hours. After this, you must repeat the process.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>E-poštni naslov</h3>
<p>Čeprav ste ob registraciji navedli vaš privzeti e-poštni naslov, imate morda več e-poštnih naslovov, ki jih lahko prikažete. V profilu lahko uporabite katerega koli izmed potrjenih e-poštnih naslovov.</p>
<p>Če želite dodati nov naslov, kliknite <a onclick="email_new(); return false;" href="">Dodaj e-poštni naslov</a>. Ko boste shranili svoj profil, bo na nov naslov poslano sporočilo. Kliknite povezavo v sporočilu za potrditev e-poštnega naslova.</p>
<p><strong>Opomba:</strong> Potrditvena povezava velja samo za 24 ur. Po tem morate postopek ponoviti.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<p>Tell everyone about yourself. This will be on your profile page and other people will see this introduction when you appear in their search results. So make it good.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<p>Vsem povejte vse o sebi! Ta uvodna predstavitev bo vidna v vašem profilu, prav tako jo bodo ljudje videli v rezultatih iskanja zato se potrudite, da bo karseda dobra!</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/profileform.introduction.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Official website address</h1>
<p>Add the URL of your work or organisation site or your blog.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Naslov uradne spletne strani</h3>
<p>Dodajte URL naslov spletne strani ali spletnega dnevnika vašega podjetja ali organizacije.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/profileform.officialwebsite.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Display name</h1>
<p>You can choose to use a display name. This may be anything you like. It replaces your full name that is displayed to everyone but site administrators and staff.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Prikazno ime</h3>
<p>Uporabljate lahko prikazno ime, ki je lahko karkoli želite. Vsi uporabniki, razen skrbnikov in osebja, bodo videli to namesto polnega imena.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/forms/profileform.preferredname.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>My profile</h1>
<p>Some of these fields might not be editable. If that is the case, they have been locked by an administrator.</p>
<p><strong>Warning:</strong> Consider your personal security before releasing contact information on a publicly available page.<p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Moj profil</h3>
<p>Nekaterih izmed teh polj ni mogoče urejati, saj jih je zaradi identifikacije uporabnikov zaklenil skrbnik spletišča.</p>
<p><strong>Opozorilo:</strong> Razmislite o svoji osebni varnosti preden objavite kontaktne podatke na javno dostopnem pogledu.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/pages/index.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<p>Notes are bits and pieces of text that you can re-use from one portfolio page in another without having to copy the entire page.<p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<p>Opombe so delčki besedila, ki jih lahko ponovno uporabite med različnimi pogledi, ne da bi bilo potrebno kopirati celotne poglede.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/pages/notes.html
<!-- @license GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Attach files</h1>
<p>If you wish to attach a file currently stored within your files area to your note, you can browse your repository for the required file(s).</p>
<p>Navigate through your file and folder structure and select the required file(s).</p>
<p>You can also upload new files from your computer. They will be placed in your files area and attached to your note at the same time.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license GNU GPL različica 3 ali novejša -->
<!-- @copyright Za avtorske pravice glede Mahare si oglejte datoteko README, ki je del programske opreme. -->
<h3>Pripni datoteke</h3>
<p>Če želite izbrani opombi pripeti datoteke, ki so trenutno shranjene v območju vaših datotek, lahko prebrskate to območje in poiščete ustrezne datoteke.</p>
<p>Premaknite se v ustrezno mapo in nato pripnite ustrezne datoteke.</p>
<p>Lahko tudi naložite nove datoteke iz vašega računalnika. Te bodo shranjene v območje vaših datotek in hkrati pripete k izbrani opombi.</p>
Translated by Gregor Anželj
Located in artefact/internal/lang/en.utf8/help/sections/browsemyfiles.html
966975 of 8124 results

This translation is managed by Slovenian launchpad translation team, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Gregor Anželj, Janko Harej.