Authentication username
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php username
اسم مستخدم المصادقة
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php username
(Optional) Username to pass to Elasticsearch via HTTP basic authentication.
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php usernamedescription
(اختياري) اسم المستخدم للمرور إلى Elasticsearch عبر المصادقة الأساسية لبروتوكول HTTP.
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php usernamedescription
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php Users
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php Users
Wall post
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php wallpost
منشور الحائط
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php wallpost
Displaying %s search results
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php xsearchresults
جارٍ عرض نتائج البحث في %s
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php xsearchresults
Displaying %s search results for "%s"
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php xsearchresultsfory
جارٍ عرض نتائج البحث في %s عن "%s"
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php xsearchresultsfory
Z to A
Context: |
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php ztoa
من الياء إلى الألف
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
search/elasticsearch/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch.php ztoa
<!-- @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h1>Exact people searches</h1>
<p>If your site has a lot of people and uses a PostgreSQL database,
people searches will be faster with exact people searching enabled.
The setting will still work with MySQL databases, but is unlikely
to significantly increase search performance.</p>
<p>However, partial matches on profile fields will not return results,
so if for example you have a person called "Nigel", then typing "Nige"
into the search box will not find that person.</p>
Context: |
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<!-- @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL version 3 or later -->
<!-- @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. -->
<h3>عمليات البحث الدقيق عن مستخدمين</h3>
<p>إذا كان موقعك يحتوي على الكثير من المستخدمين ويستخدم إحدى قواعد بيانات PostgreSQL،
فستكتسب عمليات بحث المستخدمين المزيد من السرعة في حال تمكين البحث الدقيق عن مستخدمين.
سيظل الإعداد يعمل مع قواعد بيانات MySQL، لكن من غير المرجح
أن يؤدي إلى زيادة كبيرة في أداء البحث.</p>
<p>ومع ذلك، لن تُظهر النتائج المطابقات الجزئية في حقول ملف التعريف نتائج،
لذلك إذا كان لديك على سبيل المثال مستخدم يسمى "سالم"، فإنّ كتابة "سال"
في مربع البحث لن تعثر على هذا المستخدم.</p>
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php pluginname
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php pluginname
Exact people searches
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch
عمليات البحث الدقيق عن مستخدمين
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch