Feedback on annotation %s was removed
To see %s online, follow this link:
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php annotationfeedbackdeletedtext
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
I tangohia te urupare mō te tuhipoka %s
Kia kite tuihonotia a %s, whāia tēnei hono:
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php annotationfeedbackdeletedtext
Default annotation permission
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php artefactdefaultpermissions
Whakaaetanga tuhipoka taunoa
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php artefactdefaultpermissions
The selected artefact types will have feedback enabled on creation. Users can override these settings for individual artefacts.
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php artefactdefaultpermissionsdescription
Kua whakahohea te urupare ki ngā momo wae ihirangi kua tīpakohia i te waihanganga. Ka āhei te kaiwhakamahi te takahi i ēnei tautuhinga mō ngā wae ihirangi takitahi.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php artefactdefaultpermissionsdescription
We do not have the right information to display the annotation.
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php annotationinformationerror
Kāore i a mātou ngā mōhiohio tika hei whakaatu ki te tuhipoka.
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php annotationinformationerror
The feedback must be linked to either an artefact or a page.
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php invalidannotationfeedbacklinkerror
Me hono rawa te urupare ki tētahi wae ihirangi, tētahi whārangi rānei.
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php invalidannotationfeedbacklinkerror
Entries imported from a Leap2A export that were not able to be imported elsewhere
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php entriesimportedfromleapexport
Kua kawea mai ngā tāurunga i tētahi kaweake Leap2A kīhai i taea te kawemai i wāhi kē
Translated by
Kristina Hoeppner
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php entriesimportedfromleapexport
Unknown strategy chosen for importing entry.
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php unknownstrategyforimport
Kua kōwhiria he rautaki tē mōhiotia mō te kawemai i te tāurunga.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php unknownstrategyforimport
Cannot create a feedback on its own.
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php invalidcreateannotationfeedback
Tē taea te hanga i te urupare ko tōna kotahi.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php invalidcreateannotationfeedback
1 feedback
%s feedback
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php nannotationfeedback
1 urupare
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
%s urupare
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php nannotationfeedback
Add 1 annotation to a page
Add %s annotations to pages
Context: |
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php progress_annotation
Tāpiritia kia 1 tuhipoka ki ia whārangi
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Tāpiritia kia %s tuhipoka ki ngā whārangi
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/annotation/lang/en.utf8/artefact.annotation.php progress_annotation