Site files loaded
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php sitefilesloaded
Kua utaina ngā kōnae pae
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php sitefilesloaded
Add a file
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php addafile
Tāpirihia tētahi kōnae
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php addafile
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php archive
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php archive
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php bytes
ngā paita
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php bytes
You do not have permission to view the content of this folder.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotviewfolder
Kāore ō whakaaetanga hei tiro i ngā ihirangi o tēnei kōpaki.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotviewfolder
You do not have permission to add content to this folder.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannoteditfolder
Kāore koe e whakaaetia kia tāpiri ihirangi ki tēnei kōpaki.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannoteditfolder
You cannot add content to a folder in a submitted page.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannoteditfoldersubmitted
Kāore e taea te tāpiri ihirangi ki tētahi whārangi kua tāpaetia.
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannoteditfoldersubmitted
You cannot remove content from a folder in a submitted page.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotremovefromsubmittedfolder
Kāore e taea te tango ihirangi i tētahi kōpaki i tētahi whārangi kua tāpaetia.
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotremovefromsubmittedfolder
You cannot extract a file in a submitted page.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotextractfilesubmitted
Kāore e taea te unu tētahi kōnae i tētahi whārangi kua tāpaetia.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotextractfilesubmitted
You cannot extract a file in a folder in a submitted page.
Context: |
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotextractfileinfoldersubmitted
Kāore e taea te unu tētahi kōnae i tētahi kōpaki i tētahi whārangi kua tāpaetia.
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
artefact/file/lang/en.utf8/artefact.file.php cannotextractfileinfoldersubmitted