Additional LDAP filter to restrict user searching
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php extrafilterattribute
Zusätzlicher LDAP-Filter zur Einschränkung der Nutzersuche
Translated by
Andy Hediger
Reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php extrafilterattribute
Type of Mahara group to create; default is "standard"
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php grouptype
Typ der zu erstellenden Mahara-Gruppe; der Defaultwert ist "standard"
Translated by
Andy Hediger
Reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php grouptype
Host URL
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php hosturl
Host URL
Translated by
Heinz Krettek
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php hosturl
Process only LDAP groups matching these regular expressions in their names
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php includelist
Nur LDAP-Gruppen bearbeiten, deren Namen folgender Regular-Expressions-Suche entsprechen
Translated by
Andy Hediger
Reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php includelist
Name of the institution to process (required)
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php institutionname
Name der zu bearbeitenden Institution (erforderlich)
Translated by
Andy Hediger
Reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php institutionname
LDAP field for display name
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforpreferredname
LDAP-Feld für den angezeigten Namen
Translated by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforpreferredname
LDAP field for email
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforemail
LDAP Feld für die E-Mail-Adresse
Translated by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforemail
LDAP field for first name
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforfirstname
LDAP Feld für Vorname
Translated by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforfirstname
LDAP field for surname
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforsurname
LDAP Feld für Nachname
Translated by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforsurname
LDAP field for student ID
Context: |
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforstudentid
LDAP-Feld für die Nutzer-ID
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
Located in
auth/ldap/lang/en.utf8/auth.ldap.php ldapfieldforstudentid