New journal
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newblog
Nowy dziennik
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newblog
New journal entry in journal "%s"
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newblogpost
Nowy wpis w dzienniku "%s"
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newblogpost
Newer entries
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newerposts
Ostatnio dodane pozycje
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php newerposts
No default journal found. This is a bug in the system. To fix it, you need to enable the multiple journals option on the <a href="%saccount/index.php">account settings</a> page.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nodefaultblogfound
Błąd systemowy. Nie znaleziono domyślnego dziennika. Aby naprawić błąd należy umożliwić utworzenie wielu dzienników w ustawieniach konta na stronie <a href="%saccount/">account settings/ustawienia konta</a>
Translated by
Adam Pawełczak
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nodefaultblogfound
No entries yet.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nopostsyet
Brak pozycji/wpisów
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nopostsyet
No images have been attached to this entry. You need to upload or attach an image to the entry before you can insert it.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php noimageshavebeenattachedtothispost
Nie załączono grafik do wpisu. Musisz przesłać lub załączyć grafiki do wpisu zanim go dodasz.
Translated and reviewed by
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php noimageshavebeenattachedtothispost
No attached files
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nofilesattachedtothispost
Brak załączników / załączonych plików
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php nofilesattachedtothispost
No journal entries found
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php noresults
Nie znaleziono wpisów dziennika
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php noresults
Older entries
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php olderposts
Starsze wpisy / pozycje
Translated and reviewed by
Piotr Werner
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php olderposts
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php post
(no translation yet)
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php post