Message from %s: Daily digest
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailsubject
%s-(e)k bidalitako mezua: Eguneko laburpena
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailsubject
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodynoreply
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by
Mahara Bot
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodynoreply
To update your notification preferences, visit %s
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodyending
Zure jakinarazpen-hobespenak eguneratzeko, bisitatu %s
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodyending
Email digest
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php name
E-posta bidezko laburpena
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php name
Context: |
notification/internal/lang/en.utf8/notification.internal.php name
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/internal/lang/en.utf8/notification.internal.php name
<h3>Exact user searches</h3>
<p>If your site has a lot of users and uses a PostgreSQL database,
user searches will be faster with exact user searching enabled.
The setting will still work with MySQL databases, but is unlikely
to significantly increase search performance.</p>
<p>However, partial matches on profile fields will not return results,
so if for example you have a user called "Nigel", then typing "Nige"
into the search box will not find that user.</p>
Context: |
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<h3>Erabiltzaileen bilaketa zehatza</h3>
<p>Zure guneak erabiltzaile asko baditu eta PostgreSQL datubasea erabiltzen badu, erabiltzaileen bilaketak azkarragoak izango dira erabiltzaileen bilaketa zehatza gaituz gero. Ezarpenak ere MySQL datubaseekin funtzionatuko du, baina seguru asko ez da azkarrago ibiliko.</p>
<p>Hala ere, profil-eremuekiko koinzidentzia partzialek ez dute emaitzik erakutsiko. Adibidez, "Nigel" izeneko erabiltzailea baldin badago, "Nige" bilatzen baduzu, ez duzu ezer aurkituko.</p>
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
Exact user searches
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch
Bilaketa zehatza
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearch
If checked, results from the "Search users" box and "Find friends" page are only returned for users whose profile fields match entire search terms.
Context: |
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearchdescription
Aukeratuz gero, "Bilatu erabiltzaileak" lehiatilan eta "Aurkitu lagunak" orrian egindako bilaketak profileko termino guztiekin bat etorriko dira.
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
search/internal/lang/en.utf8/search.internal.php exactusersearchdescription