Institution staff
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionstaff
Nhân viên nhà trường
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionstaff
Institution administrators
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmins
Các quản trị viên nhà trường
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmins
Institution admin
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmin
Quản trị nhà trường
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmin
Institution administrator
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadministrator
Quản trị viên nhà trường
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadministrator
If checked, the user can administer all users in this institution.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmindescription
Nếu được chọn, người dùng có thể quản trị tất cả người dùng trong trường này.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionadmindescription
Settings for:
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php settingsfor
Cài đặt cho:
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php settingsfor
Institution members
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionmembers
Các thành viên nhà trường
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionmembers
You are not an administrator for that institution.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php notadminforinstitution
Bạn không phải là quản trị viên cho trường đó.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php notadminforinstitution
On this page, you can see users who have requested membership of your institution and add them as members. You can also remove users from your institution and invite users to join.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionmemberspagedescription
Trên trang này, bạn có thể thấy người dùng đã yêu cầu làm thành viên trường của bạn và có thể chấp thuận họ như thành viên mới. Bạn cũng có thể loại bỏ người dùng khỏi trường của bạn hoặc mời người dùng tham gia.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionmemberspagedescription
The list of users on the left shows all users who have asked to join your institution. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. If you would like to add users to the institution or decline their membership requests, first move some users to the right-hand side by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow. The "Add members" button will add all the users on the right to the institution. The "Decline requests" button will remove the membership requests of the users on the right.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsrequesters
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsrequesters