If you would like to associate users with an institution, you should create the institution first.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php noinstitutionsdescription
Nếu bạn muốn đưa người dùng vào một nhà trường, trước tiên bạn nên tạo nhà trường.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php noinstitutionsdescription
Institution statistics are not available because there are no institutions available to your user.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php noinstitutionsstatsdescription
Thống kê về nhà trường không có vì chưa có nhà trường nào sẵn có cho người dùng của bạn.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php noinstitutionsstatsdescription
Locked fields
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php Lockedfields
Các trường đã khóa
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php Lockedfields
Note: Disabled checkboxes are for profile fields which are locked in the institution settings for "%s". These profile fields are locked at the site level and cannot be unlocked here.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php disabledlockedfieldhelp
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php disabledlockedfieldhelp
You can set the amount of disk space new users in this institution will have as their quota.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php defaultinstitutionquotadescription
Bạn có thể thiết lập dung lượng không gian lưu trữ cho người dùng mới trong trường này coi như như hạn ngạch lưu trữ của họ.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php defaultinstitutionquotadescription
If checked, the default quota you choose above will be applied to all existing members.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php updateinstitutionuserquotasdesc
Nếu được chọn, hạn mức mặc định bạn chọn ở trên sẽ được áp dụng cho tất cả các thành viên hiện có.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php updateinstitutionuserquotasdesc
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approve
Chấp thuận
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approve
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php deny
Từ chối
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php deny
Approve registration for %s %s <%s>
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approveregistrationfor2
Chấp thuận đăng ký cho %s %s <%s>
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approveregistrationfor2
This will approve the registration and add the user to the institution '%s'. Are you sure you want to approve this registration?
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approveregistrationmessage
Điều này sẽ chấp thuận việc đăng ký và thêm người dùng vào nhà trường '%s'. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn chấp thuận việc đăng ký này?
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
lang/en.utf8/admin.php approveregistrationmessage