The Group homepage is the content that appears on the About tab for this group
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lang/en.utf8/view.php grouphomepagedescription
Taldearen hasiera-orria taldearen Honi buruz fitxan azaltzen den edukia da
Translated and reviewed by
Abel Camacho
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php grouphomepagedescription
Shared pages
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lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviews
Partekatutako orriak
Translated and reviewed by
Abel Camacho
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviews
Title, description, tags
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php titleanddescription
Izenburua, deskribapena, etiketak
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php titleanddescription
Tags only
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php tagsonly
Etiketak baino ez
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php tagsonly
This page lists the most recently modified or commented on pages that have been shared with you. They may have been shared with you directly, shared with friends of the owner, or shared with one of your groups.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviewsdescription
Orri honetan zerrendatzen dira zurekin partekatutako orrietako azkenaldiko aldaketa edo iruzkinak. Baliteke zurekin zuzenean, jabearen lagunekin edo zure talderen batekin partekatu izana.
Translated by
Abel Camacho
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviewsdescription
Shared with
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lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedwith
Partekatu honekin
Translated and reviewed by
Abel Camacho
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedwith
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php Me
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Ezeiza
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php Me
Shared by
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedby
Nork partekatua
Translated and reviewed by
Abel Camacho
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedby
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailsubject
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailsubject
You have been sent a notification from %s. Message follows:
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailheader
%s(e)k jakinarazpen bat bidali dizu. Mezua ondokoa da:
Translated by
Iñaki Arenaza
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailheader