Journal entry deleted
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostdeleted
Mục nhật ký đã xóa
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostdeleted
Journal entry published
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostpublished
Mục nhật ký được công bố
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostpublished
Journal entry saved
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostsaved
Mục nhật ký đã được lưu
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogpostsaved
Journal Settings
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogsettings
(no translation yet)
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogsettings
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogtitle
Tiêu đề
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogtitle
e.g., ‘Jill’s Nursing Practicum Journal’.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogtitledesc
ví dụ: "Nhật ký thực tập điều dưỡng của Jill."
Translated and reviewed by
Đỗ Như Vý
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php blogtitledesc
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php border
Đường viền
Translated and reviewed by
Đỗ Như Vý
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php border
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php cancel
Hủy bỏ
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php cancel
This will create the journal entry and make it available to others.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php createandpublishdesc
Điều này sẽ tạo ra các mục nhật ký và làm cho nó hiện hữu với những người khác.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php createandpublishdesc
This will create the journal entry, but it will not become available to others until you choose to publish it.
Context: |
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php createasdraftdesc
Điều này sẽ tạo ra một mục nhật ký, nhưng nó sẽ không có sẵn với những người khác cho đến khi bạn công bố nó.
Translated and reviewed by
Son Nguyen
Located in
artefact/blog/lang/en.utf8/artefact.blog.php createasdraftdesc