<h3>Publicly Viewable Group</h3> 
<p>If you say yes, most sections of your group will be viewable by anyone who visits your group - including people who do not have an account on this site.</p> 
<p>Everyone will be able to see the group member listing, and see all discussions in the forums. However, people will still have to become a member of the group before they can post to the forums.</p> 
<p>Regardless of this setting, your group file section and all files inside it will remain private.</p>
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<p>「Yes」を選択した場合、あなたのグループを訪問した人は誰でも、あなたのグループのほとんどのセクションを閲覧することができます - このサイトでアカウントを持っていないユーザも含みます。</p> 
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Auto-adding Users to Groups</h3> 
<p>If you say yes, everyone who signs up to this site will be added to this group.</p> 
<p>Depending on the group type, the users may still have the option to leave the group.</p>
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<h3>Start Date</h3> 
<p>You can either enter in the date using the format YYYY/MM/DD (Year/Month/Day) or use the calendar to select an auto-insert date.<p>
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<p>あなたは、YYYY/MM/DD (年/月/日) のフォーマットを使用してまたはカレンダーを使用して自動的に日付を入力できます。</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Stop Date</h3> 
<p>You can either enter in the date using the format YYYY/MM/DD (Year/Month/Day) or use the calendar to select an auto-insert date.<p>
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<p>あなたは、YYYY/MM/DD (年/月/日) のフォーマットを使用してまたはカレンダーを使用して自動的に日付を入力できます。</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Group Type</h3> 
<p>You can choose from a number of options which determine how other users may join your group.</p>

<h6>Open Membership</h6> 
<p>Setting your group type to Open Membership will allow any user of the site to become a member simply by visiting your group page and clicking the join button.</p>

<h6>Request Membership</h6> 
<p>Setting your group type to Request Membership means that any user can request to join your Group, however as owner you can choose to accept or decline this request. The requesting member will be automatically notified of your decision.</p>

<h6>Invite Only</h6> 
<p>Setting your group type to Invite Only means that only users that you have sent an invite to may join your group.</p>

<h6>Controlled Membership</h6> 
<p>Controlled Membership is only available to Administrators and Staff, and allows you to add and remove people from a group directly.</p> 
<p>Users cannot remove themselves from a controlled group.</p>

<h4>Course Groups</h4> 
<p>Course groups are a special type of group which can only be created by Administrators and Staff of the site.</p> 
<p>Course groups can contain tutors as well as ordinary members. All members of course groups can submit their pages to the group for assessment by tutors. When tutors give feedback on a submitted page, they can also attach a file to the feedback which is only visible to the page's author.</p> 
<p>There are two types of Course groups:</p>

<h6>Course: Request Membership</h6> 
<p>Users may join the group by requesting membership, described under the Request Membership heading above.</p>

<h6>Course: Controlled Membership</h6> 
<p>Controlled Membership Course groups allow group administrators to add and remove people from the group directly. Tutors can only add people to the group directly.</p> 
<p>This is designed to be used for a course-based group where the membership is defined by an external system (such as an institution's enrolment system) and you wish to replicate that membership in the group.</p> 
<p>Users cannot remove themselves from a controlled group.</p>
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<h6>コース: リクエストメンバシップ</h6> 

<h6>コース: 管理メンバシップ</h6> 
<p>「管理メンバシップ」は、メンバシップが外部システム (インスティテューション登録システム等) で定義されあなたがそのメンバシップの複製を望む、コースベースのグループ利用に関してデザインされたものです。</p> 
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Publicly Viewable Group</h3> 
<p>If you say yes, most sections of your group will be viewable by anyone who visits your group - including people who do not have an account on this site.</p> 
<p>Everyone will be able to see the group member listing, and see all discussions in the forums. However, people will still have to become a member of the group before they can post to the forums.</p> 
<p>Regardless of this setting, your group file section and all files inside it will remain private.</p>
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<p>「Yes」を選択した場合、あなたのグループを訪問した人は誰でも、あなたのグループのほとんどのセクションを閲覧できます - このサイトでアカウントを持っていないユーザも含みます。</p> 
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Auto-adding Users to Groups</h3> 
<p>If you say yes, everyone who signs up to this site will be added to this group.</p> 
<p>Depending on the group type, the users may still have the option to leave the group.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Site Administrator</h3> 
<p>Site Administrators are able to perform most actions to do with user and site management, including logging in as other users, and managing institutions.</p>
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<h3>Authentication Method</h3> 
<p>All users have one primary method of authenticating to Mahara. In certain special cases, they can also have a secondary way of authenticating, but in most cases they have just one way.</p> 
<p>Here, you can choose what mechanism this user can use to authenticate to Mahara. Most of the time, you will not need to touch this, as it will be set correctly for you.</p> 
<p>In some circumstances, you might need a user to authenticate to Mahara using a different method to what they have previously used. For example, if they used to use LDAP but the LDAP server does not know about them any more, and they wish to continue to get access to their account, you could set this to a different method such as 'Internal (No Institution)'. The user will then be able to log in directly to Mahara without using the LDAP server - although you should use the 'reset password' field above to choose an initial password for them.</p>
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<p>状況次第であなたはユーザが以前使用していた認証方法と異なる認証方法を使用してユーザをMaharaに認証させる必要があります。例えば、ユーザがLDAPを使用していて、もはやLDAPサーバがそのユーザを知らない場合、そしてそのユーザが継続的に自分のアカウントにアクセスしたい場合、あなたはここで「内部 (インスティテューションなし)」のような他の認証方法を設定できます。ユーザは、LDAPサーバを使用せず、直接Maharaにログインできます - あなたは上記「パスワードのリセット」を使用してユーザの初期パスワードを設定する必要があります。</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<p>Users can choose whether to receive e-mail or not.</p> 
<p>If e-mail is disabled for a user, they will still receive messages using 
the built-in messaging system.</p> 
<p>Depending on your setup, if e-mails are bounced back to the sender, 
then e-mail may be automatically disabled.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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