<p>Here you can search through the Views that you are allowed to copy as a starting point for making a new View. You can see a preview of each View by clicking on its name. Once you have found the View you wish to copy, click the corresponding "Copy View" button to make a copy and begin customising it.</p>
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplatepagedescription
<p>Qui, partendo dalle View che si è autorizzati a copiare, si possono scegliere delle View come modelli per creare nuove View. È possibile visualizzare l'anteprima di ciascuna View cliccando sul suo nome. Una volta che hai scelto la View che vuoi copiare, fai click sul pulsante "Copia View" per farne una copia e iniziare a personalizzarla.</p>
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplatepagedescription
<p>Here you can search through the Views that this group is allowed to copy as a starting point for making a new View. You can see a preview of each View by clicking on its name. Once you have found the View you wish to copy, click the corresponding "Copy View" button to make a copy and begin customising it.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> Groups cannot currently make copies of Blogs or Blog Posts.</p>
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplategrouppagedescription
<p>Qui, partendo dalle View che si è autorizzati a copiare, si possono scegliere delle View come modelli per creare nuove View. È possibile visualizzare l'anteprima di ciascuna View cliccando sul suo nome. Una volta che hai scelto la View che vuoi copiare, fai click sul pulsante "Copia View" per farne una copia e iniziare a personalizzarla.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> I Gruppi attualmente non possono fare copie di Blog o Post Blog.</p>
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplategrouppagedescription
<p>Here you can search through the Views that this institution is allowed to copy as a starting point for making a new View. You can see a preview of each View by clicking on its name. Once you have found the View you wish to copy, click the corresponding "Copy View" button to make a copy and begin customising it.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> Institutions cannot currently make copies of Blogs or Blog Posts.</p>
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplateinstitutionpagedescription
<p>Qui, partendo dalle View che si è autorizzati a copiare, si possono scegliere delle View come modelli per creare nuove View. È possibile visualizzare l'anteprima di ciascuna View cliccando sul suo nome. Una volta che hai scelto la View che vuoi copiare, fai click sul pulsante "Copia View" per farne una copia e iniziare a personalizzarla.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> Le Istituzioni attualmente non possono fare copie di Blog o Post Blog.</p>
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php choosetemplateinstitutionpagedescription
Copied %d blocks and %d artefacts from %s
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php copiedblocksandartefactsfromtemplate
Copiati %d blocchi e %d contenuti da %s
Translated and reviewed by
Selene Gervasoni
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php copiedblocksandartefactsfromtemplate
Files copied from %s
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php filescopiedfromviewtemplate
File copiati da %s
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php filescopiedfromviewtemplate
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php viewfilesdirname
Vedi file
Translated and reviewed by
Giulia Vighetti
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php viewfilesdirname
Files from copied views
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php viewfilesdirdesc
File delle View copiate
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php viewfilesdirdesc
Copying is allowed
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php thisviewmaybecopied
La copia è abilitata
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php thisviewmaybecopied
Copy this View
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php copythisview
Copia questa View
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php copythisview
Copy View
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php copyview
Copia View
Translated by
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php copyview