Install an older release
Instalatu bertsio zaharrago bat
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If your computer has compatibility issues with the latest Linux Mint release, install a previous release from the same Linux Mint series.
Zure ordenagailuak Linux Minten azken bertsioarekin bateragarritasun arazoak baditu, instalatu Linux Mint serie bereko aurreko bertsio bat.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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For instance, if you can't install Linux Mint 18.3 (which comes with a 4.10 kernel), install Linux Mint 18 (which comes with a 4.4 kernel) and upgrade to 18.3.
Adibidez, ezin baduzu Linux Mint 18.3 (4.10 nukleoa duena) instalatu, instalatu Linux Mint 18 (4.4 nukleoa duena) eta bertsio-berritu 18.3ra.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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The first release in each series uses an LTS (Long Term Support) kernel. Upgrading from this release to the latest one in the series does not change your kernel.
Serie bakoitzeko lehen bertsioak epe luzeko euskarria (LTS, Long Term Support) duen nukleoa izaten du. Bertsio horretatik berrienera bertsio-berritzeak ez du nukleoa aldatzen.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Boot Linux Mint
Abiarazi Linux Mint
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Now that you have Linux Mint on a USB stick (or DVD) boot the computer from it.
Dagoeneko Linux Mint USBean (edo DVDan) prest duzunez abiarazi ordenagailua bertatik.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Insert your USB stick (or DVD) into the computer.
Sartu USBa (edo DVDa) ordenagailuan.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Restart the computer.
Berrabiarazi ordenagailua.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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../../boot.rst:8 ../../drivers.rst:23 ../../efi.rst:61 ../../oem.rst:21
Before your computer boots your current operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) you should see your `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_ loading screen. Check the screen or your computer's documentation to know which key to press and instruct your computer to boot on USB (or DVD).
Ordenagailuak une honetan instalatuta duen sistema eragilea (Windows, Mac, Linux) abiarazi aurretik `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_-aren kargatze pantaila agertu behar litzaizuke. Begiratu pantaila edo ordenagailuaren dokumentazioa abioko menura sartzeko zein tekla sakatu behar duzun jakiteko. Abioko menuan USBtik (edo DVDtik) abiarazi nahi duzula adierazteko aukera izango duzu.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Most BIOS have a special key you can press to select the boot device and all of them have a special key to enter the BIOS configuration screen (from which you can define the boot order). Depending on the BIOS, these special keys can be :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11`, :kbd:`F12`, or :kbd:`Delete`. That information is usually briefly written on the screen during the boot sequence.
BIOS gehienek abioko gailua hautatzeko menura sarbidea ematen duen tekla berezi bat izan ohi dute eta BIOS guztiek konfigurazio pantailara sartzeko tekla berezi bat izaten dute, non abioko ordena alda dezakezun. BIOSaren arabera tekla berezi horiek hauek izan daitezke: :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11`, :kbd:`F12` edo :kbd:`Delete`. Normalean informazio hori abioko sekuentzia bistaratzen da une batez.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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