Browsing Italian translation

110 of 31 results
Provides network-related commands, such as connecting to multiple networks
and checking latency to the server.
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[--ssl] <network> [<host[:port]>] [<password>]

Connects to another network (which will be represented by the name
provided in <network>) at <host:port>. If port is not provided, it
defaults to 6667, the default port for IRC. If password is
provided, it will be sent to the server in a PASS command. If --ssl is
provided, an SSL connection will be attempted.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
[--ssl] <rete> [<host[:porta]>] [<password>]

Si connette a un'altra rete (rappresentata dal nome dato a <rete>) su
<host:porta>. Se la porta non è fornita usa la 6667, quella predefinita per
IRC. Se viene specificata la password sarà inviata al server tramite il comando
PASS. Se --ssl è specificato, sarà richiesta una connessione SSL.
Translated by skizzhg
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I'm already connected to %s.
Sono già connesso a %s.
Translated by skizzhg
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A server must be provided if the network is not already registered.
Se la rete non è già registrata è necessario fornire un server.
Translated by skizzhg
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Connection to %s initiated.
Connessione a %s iniziata.
Translated by skizzhg
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[<network>] [<quit message>]

Disconnects from the network represented by the network <network>.
If <quit message> is given, quits the network with the given quit
message. <network> is only necessary if the network is different
from the network the command is sent on.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
[<rete>] [<messaggio di uscita>]

Si disconnette dalla rete (rappresentata dal nome dato a <rete>).
Se <messaggio di uscita> è specificato, esce con tale messaggio.
<rete> è necessaria solo se la rete è differente da quella sulla quale è inviato il comando.
Translated by skizzhg
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Disconnection to %s initiated.
Disconnessione a %s iniziata.
Translated by skizzhg
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[<network>] [<quit message>]

Disconnects and then reconnects to <network>. If no network is given,
disconnects and then reconnects to the network the command was given
on. If no quit message is given, uses the configured one
(supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) or the nick of the person giving the
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
[<rete>] [<messaggio di uscita>]

Si disconnette da <rete> e si riconnette. <rete> è necessaria solo se la rete
è differente da quella sulla quale è inviato il comando. Se non viene specificato un
messaggio di uscita, utilizza quello configurato in supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg
o il nick di chi ha dato il comando.
Translated by skizzhg
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<network> <command> [<arg> ...]

Gives the bot <command> (with its associated <arg>s) on <network>.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
<rete> <comando> [<argomento> ...]

Invia <comando> al bot (con i suoi argomenti) su <rete>.
Translated by skizzhg
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<command> <args>...

Perform <command> (with its associated <arg>s) on all networks.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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110 of 31 results

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Contributors to this translation: skizzhg.