<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> ships with system documentation covering various topics which provide an introduction to Kubuntu as well as configuration and troubleshooting topics.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>, Kubuntu'ya başlangıç ile birlikte yapılandırma ve sorun giderme konularını içeren çeşitli konuları kapsayan sistem belgelendirmesi ile gelir.
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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To view <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>'s system documentation, please view the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/index"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> System Documentation Index</ulink>.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>'nun sistem belgelendirmesini görüntülemek için, lütfen <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/index"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> Sistem Belgelendirme Dizini</ulink>'ne bakın.
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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Also shipped with <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> is KDE documentation which contains handbooks for many of the applications installed. To view a list of the KDE documentation, open <application>Help</application> (also known as <application>KHelpCenter</application>) by going to <menuchoice><guimenu>Kickoff Application Launcher</guimenu><guisubmenu>Applications</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Help</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> ile gelen diğer belgelendirme de kurulu uygulamaların çoğu hakkında bilgi içeren KDE belgelendirmesidir. KDE belgelendirmesinin listesini görmek için <application>Yardım</application> (ayrıca <application>KHelpCenter</application> olarak bilinir) uygulamasını <menuchoice><guimenu>Kickoff Uygulama Çalıştırıcı</guimenu><guisubmenu>Uygulamalar</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Yardım</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menülerini izleyerek açın..
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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Filing and reviewing bug reports
Hata raporu oluşturma ve inceleme
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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To learn about filing bug reports for <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>, please view the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/bugs"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> Bugs</ulink> topic.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> hata raporlarını göndermek için, lütfen <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/bugs"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> Hataları</ulink> konusuna bakın.
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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Contribute to <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>'ya katkıda bulunun
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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To read more about contributing to the <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> project, please view the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contribute">Contributing to <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase></ulink> topic.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> projesine katkıda bulunma hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contribute"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>'ya Katkıda Bulun</ulink> konusuna bakın.
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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Contacting the <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> Project Team
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> Proje Takımı ile İletişime Geçmek
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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If you are interested in contacting the <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> team, please view the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contact/">Contact <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase></ulink> topic.
Eğer <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> takımı ile bağlantı ile ilgiliyseniz, lütfen <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contact/"><phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> ile İletişime Geç</ulink> başlığını inceleyin.
Translated by
Volkan Gezer
Reviewed by
Volkan Gezer
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