By default Samba looks for the local system groups defined in <filename>/etc/group</filename> to determine which users belong to which groups. For more information on adding and removing users from groups see <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/basics/"> Basics</ulink>.
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When defining groups in the Samba configuration file, <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename>, the recognized syntax is to preface the group name with an "@" symbol. For example, to define a group named <emphasis role="italic">sysadmin</emphasis> in a certain section of the <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename>, the group name would be entered as <emphasis role="bold">@sysadmin</emphasis>.
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File Permissions
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File Permissions define the explicit rights a computer or user has to a particular directory, file, or set of files. Such permissions may be defined by editing the <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename> file and specifying the explicit permissions of a defined file share.
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For example, for a defined Samba share called <emphasis>share</emphasis> and the need to give <emphasis role="italic">read-only</emphasis> permissions to the group of users known as <emphasis role="italic">qa</emphasis>, while allowing write permissions to the share by the group called <emphasis role="italic">sysadmin</emphasis> and the user named <emphasis role="italic">vincent</emphasis>, then the <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename> file could be edited to add the following entries under the <emphasis>[share]</emphasis> entry:
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read list = @qa
write list = @sysadmin, vincent
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Another possible Samba permission is to declare <emphasis>administrative</emphasis> permissions to a particular shared resource. Users having administrative permissions may read, write, or modify any information contained in the resource where the user has been given explicit administrative permissions.
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For example, to give the user <emphasis role="italic">melissa</emphasis> administrative permissions to the <emphasis role="italic">share</emphasis> example, the <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename> file would be edited to add the following line under the <emphasis>[share]</emphasis> entry:
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admin users = melissa
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
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After editing <filename>/etc/samba/smb.conf</filename>, restart Samba for the changes to take effect:
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