The Kubuntu community is individuals and teams working to package the software, test it, do bug triaging and then promoting Kubuntu to a wider audience. All of the software, artwork and documentation has been created, tested, used and discussed openly by people around the world participating in the Open Source community made possible by the Internet. So we invite you to help shape Kubuntu to better meet your needs.
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The easiest way to give back to the Kubuntu community is by sharing Kubuntu with others. Recommend Kubuntu to others, and show them how to download and install Kubuntu, and the possibilities and qualities of Open Source Software. As our community grows, it becomes more accepted and supported. Here are some of the steps you can take:
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Get CDs by downloading the iso from <ulink url="http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download">GetKubuntu</ulink> and then burn them (or create a LiveUSB) then distribute them to people who might be interested. Drop them off at libraries, Internet Cafes, schools, computer shops or anywhere else where people use computers. Please help people to use and understand Kubuntu if they approach you for help.
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Join or start a Local Community Team and discuss the possibilities that Kubuntu brings up. If you like Kubuntu it is likely that others around you will try it, and like it as well! See the "Going Local!" section for details.
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If you want to meet other Kubuntu users in your area, look for a Local Ubuntu Community team (LoCo team for short) to join. There are LoCo teams spread out all over the world, and you can find the directory <ulink url="http://loco.ubuntu.com/">here</ulink>. If there isn't a LoCo team near you, you can start a new one! Just follow the instructions <ulink url="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto"> on the wiki</ulink>. To get more information you can join your local LoCo Team mailing list and IRC channel. Details can be found on the LoCo Team List wiki page.
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If your home language is not English but you have excellent English skills and are comfortable using software in English, you help to translate the Kubuntu applications and documentation into your native language. To help out:
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Translate popular wiki pages within the <ulink url="https://help.ubuntu.com/community">Documentation Wiki</ulink>.
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You can join your local LoCo Team mailing list and IRC channel (details can be found on <ulink url="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams"> the LoCo Team List wiki page</ulink>) to get in touch with other users in your region so you can coordinate your translation efforts. Also <ulink url="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators"> join the Ubuntu-Translators mailing list</ulink> to stay in touch with other Ubuntu translators.
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Check the existing documentation to see if it covers your problem. If it does, you can add to it, edit it or remove errors (such as typos, grammar and spelling, and technical errors), and send any suggestions and changes to the Documentation Team mailing list. For more information about how to help, see <ulink url="https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation">Kubuntu Documentation</ulink>.
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If no relevant documentation exists, you can add a page in the <ulink url="https://help.ubuntu.com/community"> Documentation Wiki</ulink> which is a separate community wiki for editing and writing documentation. Rather than answer a question two or more times, write up the answer and make it available to everyone in the wiki.
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