After the sliders have been positioned, press the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button at the bottom. This will trim the file to the 'In Point' and 'Out Point' specified in the previous step.
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Exporting videos
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When the editing, trimming, etc. are complete, the video is ready to be exported. To do this, click on the <guibutton>Export</guibutton> on the right side of the window or go to <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Export</guisubmenu></menuchoice>.
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In the Export mode, the output mode can be specified for saving the edited video. Exporting to a 'DV' file maintains the quality of the video (this generally results in a large file).
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To export the video to a common format such as <acronym>AVI</acronym>, select the 'Other' tab and specify the type of video to export, the quality of the output video and the location where the video should be saved.
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When the settings have been customized, click on the <guibutton>Export</guibutton> button to export the file. This may take some time depending on the size of file, the format, the quality selected and other customization choices.
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Video Codecs
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Codecs are software that allow different types of video/audio files to be played. Some codecs are proprietary, meaning that a license is required to use them. Some codecs are available under free licenses like GPL.
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<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> does not come pre-installed with codecs to play proprietary formats like mp3, rm (Real Media) and others. The necessary codecs can be installed from the repositories.
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For more information on which formats are supported out of the box by <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> and how you can install additional codecs for 'Restricted Formats', please read the <ulink url="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats">Restricted Formats</ulink> documentation on the community help website.
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