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110 of 69 results
Compare two collections with less than 5 elements.
Comparar dúas coleccións con menos de 5 elementos.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber1:=class>>description
Numbers - Compare collections
Números - Comparar coleccións
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber1:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber11:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber2:=class>>myCategory
Write numbers between 0 and 5.
Escribir números do 0 ao 5.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber10:=class>>description
Numbers - The number 0
Números - O número 0
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber10:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber15:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber16:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber7:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber8:=class>>myCategory,EtayageNumber9:=class>>myCategory
Follow the example and select the right number bellow.
Sigue o exemplo e selecciona o número correcto.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber10>>initialize
Associate two collections with less than 5 elements.
Asociar dous grupos con menos de 5 elementos.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber11:=class>>description
Select which groups of people to fill the car with.
Selecciona os grupos de persoas que enchen o coche.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber11>>instanciateStepFill:with:occuped:
Select which groups of people you can fit in the car.
Selecciona os grupos de persoas que completan o coche.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber11>>instanciateStepFit:with:occuped:
Fill a collection with less than 5 elements.
Encher unha colección con menos de 5 elementos.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber12:=class>>description
Complete a collection with less than 5 elements.
Completar unha colección con menos de 5 elementos.
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in iStoaXP-Gde1,EtayageNumber13:=class>>description
110 of 69 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Galician Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Marcos Lans.