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This is what the user sees on a typical business laptop screen
Ovo vidi korisnik na ekranu uobičajenog poslovnog prenosnog računara
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
Notice how the white is not 'paper white' and the black of the eye is now a muddy brown.
Primetite da belo nije „belo papira“ i da je zenica oka sada blatnjavo braon.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
This is what the user sees when printing on a typical inkjet printer
Ovo je ono što korisnici vide kada štampaju na običnom štampaču sa mlazom
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
The basic problem we have here is that each device is capable of handling a different range of colors. So while you might be able to take a photo of electric blue, most printers are not going to be able to reproduce it.
Osnovni problem koji imamo ovde jeste taj da je svaki uređaj u stanju da rukuje različitim opsegom boja. Dakle, dok ćete vi možda moći da snimite električno plavu fotografiju, većina štampača neće biti u stanju da je proizvede.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
Most image devices capture in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and have to convert to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) to print. Another problem is that you can't have <em>white</em> ink, and so the whiteness can only be as good as the paper color.
Većina uređaja slika snima u RGB-u (crvena, zelena, plava) i mora da pretvori u CMJK (zelenoplava, purpurnocrvena, žuta, i crna) za štampanje. Još jedan problem jeste taj da ne možete imati <em>belo</em> mastilo, i zato belina može da bude dobra samo koliko i boja papira.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
Another problem is units. Without specifying the scale on which a color is measured, we don't know if 100% red is near infrared or just the deepest red ink in the printer. What is 50% red on one display is probably something like 62% on another display. It's like telling a person that you've just driven 7 units of distance, without the unit you don't know if that's 7 kilometers or 7 meters.
Još jedan problem su jedinice. Bez određivanja lestvice na kojoj se meri boja, ne možemo da znamo da li je 100% crvene blizu infracrvenoj ili je to zatvorenije crveno mastilo u štampaču. Ono što je 50% crvene na jednom ekranu verovatno je nešto kao 62% crvene na drugom ekranu. To je isto kao kada biste nekome rekli da ste vozili samo 7 jedinica rastojanja, ali bez jedinica ne možemo znati da li su to 7 kilometara ili 7 metara.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
In color, we refer to the units as gamut. Gamut is essentially the range of colors that can be reproduced. A device like a DSLR camera might have a very large gamut, being able to capture all the colors in a sunset, but a projector has a very small gamut and all the colors are going to look "washed out".
Kada govorimo o boji, na jedinice mislimo kao na skalu. Skala je u suštini opseg boja koje se mogu proizvesti. Uređaj kao što je DSLR fotoaparat može imati veliku skalu, biti u stanju da snimi sve boje zalaska sunca, ali projektor ima veoma malu skalu i sve boje će izgledati kao da su „isprane“.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
In some cases we can <em>correct</em> the device output by altering the data we send to it, but in other cases where that's not possible (you can't print electric blue) we need to show the user what the result is going to look like.
U nekim slučajevima možemo da <em>popravimo</em> izlaz uređaja izmenom podataka koje mu šaljemo, ali u drugim slučajevima kada to nije moguće (ne možete da odštampate električno plavu) treba da pokažemo korisniku na šta će da liči rezultat.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
For photographs it makes sense to use the full tonal range of a color device, to be able to make smooth changes in color. For other graphics, you might want to match the color exactly, which is important if you're trying to print a custom mug with the Red Hat logo that <em>has</em> to be the exact Red Hat Red.
Za fotografije ima smisla koristiti puni opseg tonova boje uređaja, da bi mogli da načinite neznatne izmene u boji. Za ostale grafike, možda ćete želeti da tačno pogodite boju, što je važno ako pokušavate da na krigli štampate amblem Red Heta koji <em>mora</em> da bude potpuno iste Red Het crvene boje.
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
Lucie Hankey
Lusi Henki
Translated by Мирослав Николић
Located in C/
540549 of 3116 results

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Contributors to this translation: Мирослав Николић.