To right-click with simulated secondary click, hold down the left mouse button where you would normally right-click, then release. The pointer fills with blue as you hold down the left mouse button. Once it is entirely blue, release the mouse button to right-click.
Za desni klik s simuliranim drugotnim klikom držite levi miškin gumb, kjer želite desno klikniti, in ga nato izpustite. Medtem ko držite levi miškin gumb se kazalec polni z modro barvo. Ko je popolnoma moder, izpustite miškin gumb za desni klik.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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Some special pointers, such as the resize pointers, do not change colors. You can still use simulated secondary click as normal, even if you don't get visual feedback from the pointer.
Nekateri posebni kazalci, na primer kazalci za spreminjanje velikosti, barv ne spreminjajo. Simuliran drugotni klik lahko še vedno uporabljate, tudi če od kazalca ne dobite vidnega odziva.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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If you use <link xref="mouse-mousekeys">Mouse Keys</link>, this also allows you to right-click by holding down the <key>5</key> key on your keypad.
Če uporablajte <link xref="mouse-mousekeys">Miškine tipke</link>, vam to omogoča desni klik tudi z držanjem tipke <key>5</key> na številčni tipkovnici.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, you are always able to long-press to right-click, even with this feature disabled. Long-press works slightly differently in the overview: You do not have to release the button to right-click.
V pregledu <gui>Dejavnosti</gui> lahko vedno dolgo pritisnete za desni klik tudi če je ta zmožnost onemogočena. Dolgi pristki v pregledu delujejo rahlo drugače: za desni klik vam ni treba izpustiti gubma.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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Use the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface.
Uporaba bralnika zaslona <app>Orca</app> za izgovorjavo uporabniškega vmesnika.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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Read screen aloud
Naglas preberi vsebino zaslona
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Andrej Znidarsic
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GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link href="install:orca">Install Orca</link>, then refer to the <link href="help:orca">Orca Help</link> for more information.
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Have a delay between a key being pressed and that letter appearing on the screen.
Zakasnitev med pritiskom tipke in njeno pojavitvijo na zaslonu.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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Turn on slow keys
Vklop počasnih tipk
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Andrej Znidarsic
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Turn on <em>slow keys</em> if you would like there to be a delay between pressing a key and that letter being displayed on the screen. This means that you have to hold down each key you want to type for a little while before it appears. Use slow keys if you accidentally press several keys at a time when you type, or if you find it difficult to press the right key on the keyboard first time.
Vklopite <em>počasne tipke</em>, če želite, da je med pritiskom tipke in njenim prikazom na zaslonu zakasnitev. To pomeni, da morate vsako tipko preden se pojavi nekaj časa držati. Počasne tipke uporabite, če med tipkanjem po nesreči pritisnete več tipk ali prvič težko pritisnete pravo tipko na tipkovnici.
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Andrej Znidarsic
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