Search box in switcher menu
Caixa de pesquisa no menu alternador
Translated and reviewed by
Luis Gneiting
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Show customized menu item images
Mostrar imagens personalizadas dos items do menu
Translated and reviewed by
moises fernades de sousa
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Show local menu in window
mostrar menu local na janela
Translated and reviewed by
moises fernades de sousa
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Show the icon of the action window in the applet
Exibir o ícone da janela de ação no miniaplicativo
Translated and reviewed by
Johann Sebástian
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Show the icon of the active window in the applet when enabled.
Exibir o ícone da janela ativa no miniaplicativo quando habilitado.
Translated and reviewed by
gabriel araujo
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Specify if the applet has a handle. When the handle is enabled, the applet will not expand to occupy the remaining empty area on the panel.
Especificar se o miniaplicativo possui um manipulador. Quando o manipulador está ativado, o miniaplicativo não irá expandir para ocupar a área vazia do painel.
Translated and reviewed by
gabriel araujo
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The maximum length of name of the application name, in pixels. -1 means unlimited
O tamanho máximo do nome do aplicativo em pixels. -1 significa ilimitado.
Translated and reviewed by
Luis Gneiting
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Whether or not send the customized menu item images to Global Menu. These images are large and slow to parse. If you are using Global Menu over a network X11 server or having a slow computer, consider disabling this key.
Quer ou não enviar o item de menu personalizado imagens para Global Menu. Estas imagens são grandes e lentas para analisar. Se você estiver usando o Global Menu através da rede em um servidor X11 ou ter um computador lento, considere desabilitar essa chave.
Translated and reviewed by
Johann Sebástian
Located in
Global Menu Panel Applet
Miniaplicativo do Menu Global
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Ribeiro
Located in
GlobalMenu.PanelApplet Factory
Fábrica GlobalMenu.PanelApplet
Translated by
Daniel Ribeiro
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