This screen shows pros and cons about any given linux distribution or open software or content
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Toasting the latest Version
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The system defaults to the most recent or popular version. Click on the <b>'Add to Selection'</b> button to use this version (recommended for most users).
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Choosing other Versions
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Sometimes older versions are available, or versions for other hardware such as Apple Mac or other non-Intel architectures
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Click on <b>'Other Versions'</b> to get a list of other versions that might be available for this item.
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Choose the alternative version from the list, then click <b>'Add to Selection'</b> to put it on your list
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Canceling the Selection
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If you do not want to add a given item to your list to toast, either click the <b>'Home'</b> button (top left of the screen) to go to the home page, or the <b>'Back' (<)</b> button (bottom left) to go to the previous page.
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Feel free to add anything to your list if you think you might be interested in it - you will get a chance to clear the items you don't want before sending them to the toasters.
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