Enable this option to keep Do from popping up as soon as it starts.
Aktivéier dës Optioun fir ze verhënneren dass Do bei all Start ugewise gëtt.
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Do summon keybinding.
Tastekombinatioun fir Do opzeruffen
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Set this to the key command you would like to use to summon Do.
Sëtz dëst op d'Tastekombinatioun mat der s de Do wëlls opruffen.
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Key used to enter text mode.
Tast déi den Text Modus start.
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Set this to the character that should be used to enter text mode.
Sëtz dëst op d'Tast déi den Text Modus soll starten.
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Do UI theme
Do UI Theme
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Changes the appearence of Do. Valid entries are Classic, Glass Frame, and Mini.
Ännert d'Ausgesi vum Do. Gülteg Anträg si CLassic, Glass Frame a Mini.
Translated and reviewed by
Pit Wenkin
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Force classic window
(no translation yet)
Located in
Force classic window rendering (disable composite rendering).
(no translation yet)
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