Always show results window
همیشه پنجرهٔ جزئیات را نشان بده
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
<b>Selected Theme</b>
<b>نمایه انتخاب شده</b>
Translated and reviewed by
infinity h4x0r
Located in
<b>Your display is not properly configured for theme and animation support. To use these features, you must enable compositing.</b>
<b>گرافیک شما برای پشتیبانی از الگو و پویانمایی به درستی تنظیم نشده است. برای استفاده از این قابلیت باید compositing را فعال کنید.</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
<span size="large"><b>Updated plugins are available!</b></span>
<span size="large"><b>افزونههای به روز شده در دسترس هستند!</b></span>
Translated by
Kasra Keshavarz
Reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
_Install Updates
ـنصب بهروز رسانیها
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
<b>First-launch Behavior</b>
<b>رفتارِ اولین اجرا</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
Start GNOME Do at login.
گنوم دوو در هنگام ورود اجرا شود.
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
Hide window on first launch (quiet mode).
مخفی کردن پنجره در اولین اجرا.(حالت سریع)
Translated and reviewed by
Located in
Show notification icon
آیکان هشدار را نشان بده
Translated and reviewed by
Hamed Ramezanian
Located in
To edit a shortcut, double-click it and type a new one. 
To restore a shortcut to the default, double click and press Backspace.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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